Absentee Ballot fraud investigation in Hidalgo County, Texas results in indictments
A more recent report into the ongong investigation of absentee ballot fraud in Hidalgo County, TX is reported here.
For the best format, go here: http://earlyvoting.net/ This blog disseminates information about early voting (voting before election day, at non-precinct locations), an increasingly common form of voting in the United States, and worldwide. The blog is intended to be a resource to the election administration, reform, and research community.
A more recent report into the ongong investigation of absentee ballot fraud in Hidalgo County, TX is reported here.
A state legislator in Missouri, Steve Tilley (R-Perryville), says that the results of a constituent survey shows 76% were opposed to implementing no-excuse absentee voting.
A letter in today's Washington Post argues that more than 1/3 of all military voters who wanted to vote absentee were unable to, because their ballots were lost, were delivered to the wrong address, or were delivered too late to be cast.
Mike Alvarez writes: "This is an area that our colleagues in normative political theory can certainly help us with, but I'm not aware of any initiative to engage normative theorists in these discussions. What basic normative principles should we consider when we talk about election reform? Are fairness, equity and legitimacy the only core principles to focus on? Are there others to consider?"